Year: 2013

Bedrock named 25th Richest Family Office in Bloomberg Rankings

We are proud to announce that Bedrock has ranked 25th in the Bloomberg Markets’ Annual Ranking of the top 50 richest family offices. This is the first year that Bedrock has been included in the rankings and with 20% year-on-year growth since 2012, it was one of the fastest growing family offices ...

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Bedrock’s expertise highlighted in the FT

In an article outlining the positive experience and high levels of service wealthy families receive from specialist boutiques, the Financial Times refers to the value of multi-family offices and highlights in this context Bedrock’s move to setting up infrastructure co-investment deals with famili...

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David Joory provides insights into the benefits of being multilingual

David Joory highlights in an interview with FT publication Ignites Europe the importance of language skills in strengthening client relationships and that “the more languages you speak the better placed you will be, especially as a lot of wealth is being created in the emerging markets”. Please c...

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