Find Out More About Bedrock Bees

At Bedrock, corporate social responsibility and sustainability are increasingly central to our day-to-day. Installing beehives in the garden of our Geneva office is an example of the prior as it directly supports biodiversity, fostering a thriving ecosystem. Partnering with local Geneva-based charity – Association Printemps d’Abeilles – we’re proud to protect bees and promote biodiversity across the region.

Wishing to extend the impact of our beehives, we look forward to increasing awareness of their role in nature – whether it is through sharing the honey produced with our clients or hosting hands-on educational visits for local school students, we aim to inspire environmental stewardship beyond our team.

Bees play a vital role in pollination, supporting the pollination of around 75% of flowering plants and 35% of global food crops. Their work helps grow fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds while maintaining ecosystems and biodiversity. Without bees, our food supply and ecological stability would be at risk.

Sadly, bee populations are declining due to pesticide use, habitat loss from urbanisation and deforestation, and threats from diseases and pests like the Varroa mite. Alarmingly, it’s estimated that nearly 80% of insect populations will have disappeared in Europe over the next thirty years.

Read on to find out more about the journey to create your honey.

May 2024: With the enthusiastic support of our team members, we installed three hives in our Geneva office garden filled with pollinator-friendly wildflowers.

June 2024: As our bees thrived in their new home we became the proud keepers of 3 Queen Bees and 150,000 worker bees (and counting…!)

July 2024: Despite challenging weather, our bees have proven remarkably industrious. We were overjoyed to celebrate our first harvest this month, yielding a bumper 50 kg of honey!

October 2024: Our very own team members designed the jar labels to reflect our commitment to sustainable packaging, making each jar not just a product, but a story of teamwork and environmental stewardship.

December 2024: Our honey—sweet and floral—is ready to gift!

2025 and Beyond: We’re excited to commit to another year of cultivating a thriving home for our bees. We look forward to watching their positive impact on our local ecosystem and anticipate the future harvests to come!

Welcoming the new residents: Our team members became busy bees themselves, installing the new hives in the office garden and warmly welcoming the new bees.
Harvesting the honey: With excitement in the air, our team members rolled up their sleeves to participate in this momentous occasion, fully immersing themselves in the joy of the harvest.

We hope you enjoy your honey!